Monday, May 21, 2007

BLOG #8- Last one...

In this week's WLE blog I want you to analyze how different you felt working
on your final day (5/16) versus how you felt your first day at your WLE. Specifically talk
about how you have grown during your internship. In addition, talk about how
your WLE project has helped that growth.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Blog #3

Take a moment to think back over your WLE day this week…what was it like? What happened? What did you take away from the experience?

If you get stuck, consider some of the following questions:
· What value or purpose did what I did today serve (for me personally, for school, for my site)?
· What did I learn about others? What did I learn about my self? What did I observe (self, world, others)?
· Is what I am doing valuable? How do I know? Is it meaningful work?
· What questions do I have?
· How has my experience at WLE changed my perception of what is possible out a ‘school’ experience?

Blog #7

Write a one-page reflection (double-spaced) on what you did this week (5/9)
at your internship. It needs to be creative and interesting for teachers and
mentors to read. We do not want to know how long it took you to get there or what
you ate for lunch.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Blog #6

Write a one-page reflection on what you did this week at your
WLE. It needs to be creative and interesting for teachers and mentors
to read. We do not want to know how long you sat at a desk or what you ate
for lunch.