Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Blog #6

Write a one-page reflection on what you did this week at your
WLE. It needs to be creative and interesting for teachers and mentors
to read. We do not want to know how long you sat at a desk or what you ate
for lunch.


davidb said...

Unfortunately, I can't make this blog interesting to read because I didn't do anything interesting. I made 185 copies of 6 documents which took a really long time and then i was making a packet out of those 6 papers and put it in the envelope. The only cool thing about it was sealing because I sealed those envelopes with beautiful school sticky emblems. That's all I did for the whole day which still kept me pretty busy.
I know you asked for something interesting so I will just say what cool happened in the school in this week. There was one first-grade kid who was sent to the office because of the fight, but he was crying and screaming because he didn't want to get intro a trouble (he had a fight a day before), even though principle and teacher were strict to him because it was unacceptable, I couldn't stop smiling/laughing and saying "aawww" because it was really cute when he was describing the reason for it.Everytime, some kid is in the trouble in the office and teachers punish him, I can't stop laughing because it is really cute to see little kids getting punished. Even though you said not to write about what I had for lunch, I still will. I had salad, rice and chicken - it was delicious... I love this place - best food (because all the grandmothers of students cook there sometimes).
So, that's all that happened: printing/sealing, laughing and eating.

Unknown said...

My WLE this week was the best. When I got there in the morning, John was beginning to film the kids, and two of them began jumping, singing and dancing. They were adorable! We also caught a boy saying "Excuse me I just need to get something." Filming the kids was really fun and entertaining. This week was also when I did my project. My project is to film myself directing my own planned project for the kids to do. But before that, John was doing his project: Reading to the kids during "circle time." I had to help film him, and it was cute how all the kids started lining up next to him, and then the teacher was like, "How are you guys going to see the pictures if you're not facing John?" And then the kids all moved back and faced front. When the kids went outside to play, I began to prepare the materials for my project. I spent over an hour folding, cutting and gluing construction paper. I made fish-books and doll-books. Fish were for the boys, and dolls were for the girls. The project was based on Children's Day, which is May 5th, the same day as Cinco de Mayo. It's celebrated in Japan as well as other places, where children would write their wishes/hopes on this piece of paper and hang it on this bamboo, or they would have fish tied to a stick to represent the sons in a family, and girls would dress up etc. When the kids came back in after playing, I got them ready for project time. I explained what to do and they went right into it like pros. John was filming me, but unfortunately only a few minutes after, the batteries ran out. So basically I had no footage at all. I was really upset, but I was happy again when the teachers told me I could keep the kids' works. So I gladly collected them and brought them home with me. Before I left though, I was at the teacher's lounge asking my mentor questions about the preschool so I could have enough information for my site profile. At the same time, the teachers were talking to each other and their conversations were funny, and frighteningly familiar in a way. Sometimes when I hear them talk to each other, it reminds me of myself talking to my friends. It's like I can imagine me and my friends being preschool teachers and talking to each other in the teacher's lounge or something. But overall, this week's WLE was a blast.

Yvette said...

This week was similar to any other wednesday at my internship. when i walked in, one of my mentors, cameron, was already sitting at her desk. automatically, i knew that i was going to continue taking pictures for the swallowtail website because each of my mentors usually has a set of specific things they want me to work on. peter usually wants me to clean the store, water the plants, wash the windows or the most popular one...dusting. if peter were to ask me to dust, he would tell me to "actually move things" and dust "any flat surface". as usual, i would start in the beginning of the store and work my way to the back. and surprisingly, dust would always be present. with camron there, i continued taking pictures of all the items they wanted to put on their website, all the cool, new and "order-able" products. i wanted to use my black-and-white-photography-class skills to make the pictures pleasing the eye and appealing. when i finished, i had to photoshop all the backgrounds out, making them white so that the item is the main focus of the picture. i did that throughout the rest of the day while still playing DJ and trying to interact with customers.

Taylor Kemp said...
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Taylor Kemp said...

I just did the same old same old. I worked with Jessieka on some of the things for the project. I got some more info that I need to revise my interview. All in all a not very interesting week, so nothing very interesting to write about. I will make it interesting by way of allegory. One day young gun walked in to the saloon. The buzz silenced as everyone knew they were in the presence of the “man”. There were conversations happening all around, young gun picked up on one. A man named sys tray was talking about a bad bug coming to town. He kept blurting it out, interfering with everyone else’s conversations. When the virus arrived the whole town shut down. The law man known only by his initials AVG was getting quite old and could not take care of it by himself. Young gun recruited a posse of avast, reggie edit, and Mr.SD. They swept the town for hours to find the virus outlaw and when they did they utterly destroyed it they changed around all of his internal organs and massacred the whole scene, none of his aids made it either, and then his dead corpse was locked up in jail and the key was stored in a high security safe somewhere hidden. And the whole town returned to its normal bussling speed. I basically just used a couple of antivirus programs and got rid of this virus that kept coming up on Jessieka’s computer and that was pretty much it.(sorry about the cheesy names, I was listening to bonjovi while writing this)

Unknown said...

The same things happened this week. I went in, looked at what help the school needed techically and waited until it was time for me and Calvin to work with the 8th graders and their year book project. They were calmer and we got a bit done. It is now up to me and Calvin to find a way to get the 8th graders and their teacher to our school for better computers so that we can do this project, or for us to bring better computers to them. Seen as how I might not be able to bring a computer to them, I need to find a way to get them to trust us enough to leave the saftey of their school and neighboorhood and come to ours. Afterwards me and Calvin went on our way to KFC/Taco Bell where we enjoyed a good, BIG, meal. We ended up sluggishly working our way back to the school where we droped off the left overs(not really left overs, more like a full lunch) with my Mom. That way she wouldn"t starve while trying to shut all the little ones up. God are they loud. Then we finished the day by helpping Mother a bit and left for our homes. Where it was much better because I got to sit down, and just stare at the wall for a while till I went to sleep, and then get woken up abrubtly by Father for dinner. Is it just me or did my writing style change during the last few sentances. Well... what ever, logging off!

Fia. said...

The project completion date is edging closer. My stress level has
increased steadily over this spring semester. I am counting on it to
rise increasingly over the next couple of weeks.

At Personiva, nothing much is happening. I can't say that I have a
wholesome understanding of what our project will be as an end product.

We set to work on a power point about the Levi's Co, campaign. I
insisted that we make our presentation not only about the ad and the
strategy we came up with, but how we came up with these things. Doing
this we can work on the final product (power point) while we are
I am worried about the timing. Although I think we will be able to
finish it up, I don't believe it will be three times as good as a
normal project as Germain, Morgan and I promised in order to complete
the power point together. There is just no way we can make it so good.

We were excited about the project we thought we were going to do, and
that is why we promised it to be so good. Unfourtunatley, this didnt
work out because our mentor, Art declined our "request". This is too
bad. I don't know what to say other than I am working really hard on
making this the best possible project we can create. However it is
hard when we dont have access to any good applications that are
nessicary in making the graphic a good power point needs.

I'm a little disappointed that this internship experience turned out
to be nothing like I wanted/ expected it to.

XM5brett said...

This week at my internship we did a lot of guts which is when we have to take apart all the unused clay figures and reuse there clay to make the insides of a clay figure for another person to visit. the reason that Zeum does this is because it saves money and clay which is very expensive.After this we had to go and cut these materials i forgot what they are called but we have to cut them i think its a type of felt. well after we cut them we had to make them into squares and i just tossed them on the floor Micheal and Aaron took them back and i don't know what where they put them. after this we had a lunch break then it was back to cutting clay. thsi took a hour or so but we are used to it we do it as if we are a assembly line or something. when we finished i worked on my power point and made soem improvement and finished it. as so did the other interns.

Ian Kappos said...

This week was just about the same as any other. I got in at ten, hung out with Jason until Jeremy showed up. While we waited Jason and I conversed about some of the goins-on in the industry. I learned quite a deal about contracted authors, salaries, and the tricks of the business. The great thing about Jason is that he can always talk. And he makes it interesting. He talks and talks and talks about whatever comes to mind, and one topic segueys seamlessly into the next. And I love to listen. I mean, not only does he have a lot of intriguing things to say, but he's funny, too. Probably one of the funniest guys I've known.

By the time Jeremy got there Jason and I had already been chatting about an hour. Jeremy then printed out some invoices, and we went downstairs to start retrieving orders, packaging them, and sending them off. It's monotonous work, but I enjoy it because Jeremy's fun, too, and we get to listen to great music while we're working. After everything was finished, we went to the post office to drop off the orders, then made our way to Office Max to get some office supplies. In the car, Jeremy played some "let's kill whitey" rap and we cracked jokes the whole way. It wasn't a bad day.

When we got back, we talked some more, hung out. When it came about time for me to leave, they piled me with some more free books and I was off.

nae said...

this day wasnt really musch i just meet the kids for the first time and introduced them to the dance and what they was going to be learning for the next few weeks and what they was doing it for and the reason why i was their.