Thursday, April 19, 2007

Assignment #1

Journal Entry #1
Reflect on your process so far in preparing for the WLE by addressing the following prompts in a 2 page reflection:

What has been difficult? What has surprised you? What have you learned?

What are you exctied for? What are you most uncertain of right now?

What advice would you give to the 11th grade students next year?

What do you still need to do get ready for your shadow day on January 31st?

The most difficult aspect of the WLE so far has been getting hold of my prospected interns. I've only had two that I've really been excited about, and it's been pretty hard to get in contact with them, Night Shade Books especially. Manic D wanted me to send in all my information, and from what it seemed, it would take them a long time to get back to me on it. What's kind of surprised me the most is how professional some of these places expect us to be; granted, it's our first "real" job for the most of us, but I never would have thought that some of these businesses would take high schoolers so seriously. Who knows.

I'm really excited about working for Night Shade, if I can. I'm familiar with a lot of their books and authors, and it would be really cool to be behind the scenes on some of their projects. That would, quite honestly, be a dream-come-true.

Some advice I'd give to 11th grade students next year: jump the gun. Get on it. Seriously. It doesn't happen so quickly, trying to get an intern. You have to really keep up on it, otherwise you'll be on the border of an anxiety attack when it comes to crunch time.

The only thing I really need to do to get ready for my WLE is keep in contact with some of the interns I have in mind. It's been hard to get a hold of them, so I really have to keep trying, otherwise I might end up intern-less.


XM5brett said...

Journal Entry #1

What has been difficult? What has surprised you? What have you learned?
The most difficult thing since I’ve been working at Zeum is that we have to do some chores that take a few hours sometimes and these involve making guts and other stuff like making supplies and getting stuff ready for the day. I am most excited for that we get to present what we did but it will be hard and nerve racking. I’m most uncertain of not much because I think I got every thing set right now. I would tell them to try and convince their mentor to help you find out something that you can use at the exhibition from the beginning so that it will be easier later. Also to not miss any days otherwise you will have to make them up which is not good. And to be on time your first day and every day so people working there will respect you better. What all 11th graders should do is make sure they are there on time for shadow day and that is pretty much it.
Brett Moran

davidb said...
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davidb said...

What has been difficult? What has surprised you? What have you learned?

I can't really say anything was difficult at my internship place. Office work is pretty easy - fax, print, getting information in computer - it's all pretty easy. Tutoring was not hard either and substituting teachers was pretty fun because I let kids do whatever they want as long as they do a little bit of work. Nothing really surprised me but what I did learn was.... fax... and complicated printer with tons of options. So basically, I didn't learn anything because we all couldn't get a job we wanted so we had to go to schools and you can't really learn something in elementary/middle schools.

What are you exctied for? What are you most uncertain of right now?

I am not really excited about anything. The only thing I am uncertain about is my WLE project. I have no idea what I am going to do for my project that's why I called the office today and asked to come there on Monday and talk to principle (my mentor) about what can/cannot I do.

What advice would you give to the 11th grade students next year?

Don't be afraid to call anywhere. You never know who is going to accept you and who is not. And even if somebody almost accepted you, still, you have to call different places because sometimes people can reject you at the last minute, which is basically what happened to me.

What do you still need to do get ready for your shadow day on January 31st?

I have no idea how to answer this question because it is April 20th already. O_o

Yvette said...

The most difficult thing about the process so far is that i don't think i'm managing the project as effectively as i want to. SATs were coming up and i felt really stressed out because of everything we had to do, the math project, science, humanities homeworks and finally, the WLE project. i am surprised by how much time and effort this project is actually taking. i didn't expect this exhibition project to come so soon. it has added onto my stress. i've learned that this is what managing projects effectively means. i do not know if i can do well on everything we have to do.
i'm most excited for the end result. i want to see the college corner up and running. i am very uncertain of getting the materials but i'm going to meet with ms clair to see what she wants/expects. i would tell expecting 11th graders to be prepared for stress and hard work. this will probably be one of the years you'll go through. i still need to meet with ms clair and after, that i'm going to just start working whenever i have free time.